amenajare atelier

3 Shelf Utility Storage Cart - Room Essentials™
The Ultimate Lumber Storage Cart - Storage Cart - Ideas of Storage Cart #StorageCart - The Ultimate Lumber Storage Cart
The Best Woodworking Plans: 16,000 Great Examples You Can Learn From - AllDIYIdeas
Material Storage: For storing shorter lengths of solid wood I built a stepped storage bin out of 1/2″ plywood that allows me to organize and group by length and species. For storage of longer scraps of solid wood and lengths of lumber that I am currently working with I have a wood storage system mounted on the wall above my scrap bin. This allows me easy access to whatever piece of wood I need. Sheet goods get stored against the wall.
No one wants a dusty workshop. Keep it clean with a DIY sanding table. #WoodworkingTools #homewoodworkingshop #RepurposedWoodProjects
Bench top Sanding-Disc Caddy Woodworking Plan from WOOD Magazine
Bench top Sanding-Disc Caddy Woodworking Plan