437 Pins
6 All-Natural Cleaning Products for Every Room in Your Home
New to making your own cleaning solutions? Here are a few simple formulas for DIY dish soap and homemade cleaners to get started, from minimalist blogger @readtealeaves's new book Simple Matters.
50% OFF Pearl Collection
This handmade comb is the newest, hottest hair accessory in the market today! You deserve to feel like a queen. This Magic Hair Comb helps style your glorious tresses and revamp your look while securing your hair firmly in place. It doesn't matter what type of hair you've got, you can style it in many different ways using the Magic Hair Comb.
Do you want a bigger booty? Say NO to the surgery and add these 4 exercises that are perfect for you to get a firmed, lifted and bigger booty in natural way. #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgoals #fitness #gym #athomeworkouts #fitnesschallenge #sport #dietandnutrition #weightloss #fitnessandexercises #strengthtraining #flexibilityexercises #exerciseplan #aerobicexercises #fatburn #burnfat #3Dexercises
This week I have been reminded of the importance of child-centered play. I have been working with a patient who has needed me only to provi...
Bullet Journal Collections - STUNNING New Ideas for 2024! - Slightly Sorted
Bullet Journal Collection Ideas – Huge List of Our Favourites!
How To Get Started In Your Blackout Journal
How to get started with blackout bullet journaling | Archer and Olive | Do you have a black bullet journal but don’t know where to start planning, or you’re seeing all these gorgeous bullet journal layouts with the black pages on Instagram and you want to know if it’s right for you? In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to use a blackout journal. #bujo #doodle #plannergoals
9 Ways to Increase Your Focus for Getting Things Done
9 Ways to Increase Your Focus for Getting Things Done ~ I could use this!
15 science-backed ways to stay focused all day
Take a break - No one can stay focused all day - so take time out, preferably a sensory rather than a cerebral break in some way. In reality most people can concentrate for 45-50 minutes maximum, before losing concentration or efficiency......... so take time out to be more efficient & reduce stress too.
Memorization Tips For Different Learning Styles - Homestead 128
Memorization tips based on your learning style!