Hindu Art | Hinduísmo

Patterns | symbols | paintings | statues | draw | shiva | ganesha | durga | kali | goddesses
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Dancing Ganesha
Este é Ganesh, o deus Hindu com a cabeça de elefante. A peça era parte de um templo em Madhya Pradesh, India (século X) e hoje pertence ao acervo permanente do Asian Civilisations Museum em Singapura. Ganesh é considerado o removedor de todos os obstáculos, conhecido por sua inteligência e sagacidade. Ele é o deus que a maioria dos devotos adora antes de iniciar qualquer outro procedimento religioso. Nesta escultura, ele é retratado dançando, balançando a barriguinha, enfeitado com ricas jóias.
A Mini-Guide To Singapore's Thaipusam Festival | Tripping Unicorn
Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated among the Tamil community’s in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand or Myanmar and if you are travelling in these areas in January/February, you should definitely check it out ✨#Thaipusam #Singapore #Tamil #Hindu #Hinduism
A Mini-Guide To Singapore's Thaipusam Festival | Tripping Unicorn
Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated among the Tamil community’s in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand or Myanmar and if you are travelling in these areas in January/February, you should definitely check it out ✨#Thaipusam #Singapore #Tamil #Hindu #Hinduism
🌹🙏🏻 ऊँ वक्रतुण्ड़ महाकाय सूर्य कोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरू मे देव, सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा।।🙏🏻🌹
Lyn Hammond Artist loves #Beautiful colours of #India
Woman making a kolam in south India: "Especially during the harvest season, you'll see many women making kolams outside their homes in the morning. Kolams are beautiful patterns made from rice flour. Besides for decoration purposes it was a way to feed birds and critters. A way to honor that all life is sacred and a tribute to harmonious co-existence."
Antique Lost Wax Method South Indian Panchaloha Bronze 19th Century Nataraja Statue 36"
Enchanting Bronze Nataraja Statue 45"
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