20 st century

19 Pins
Embroidery of Zastawna county, Cherniwtsi oblast, Bukovyna, Ukraine
FolkCostume и вышивки: вышивка Zastawna округа, Cherniwtsi области, Буковина, Украина
Upper sleeve and shoulder of a Ukrainian 'sorochka', or shirt, that I designed and embroidered in a style with motifs and patterns inspired by the traditional shirts and blouses from Serafyntsi village of Horodenka region in Carpathian Western Ukraine (Designed, embroidered, and assembled by Dave Melnychuk)
Embroidery of Zastawna county, Cherniwtsi oblast, Bukovyna, Ukraine
Embroidery of Zastawna county, Cherniwtsi oblast, Bukovyna, Ukraine - with patterns
Traditional Folk Romanian Costume, from Northern Oltenia, Valcea county, XIX-th…
Meşteşugurile româneşti - când arta întâlneşte pasiunea
Ţesături româneşti http://iutta.ro/blog-mestesugurile-romanesti-arta-si-pasiune
Life in pictures
Patterns on a handmade Romanian blouse from 1937.
Costume populare românești - Wikipedia
Traditional Romanian folk clothing - Muscel
Embroidery of Zastawna county, Cherniwtsi oblast, Bukovyna, Ukraine
FolkCostume&Embroidery: Embroidery of Zastawna county, Cherniwtsi oblast, Bukovyna, Ukraine
Pillow embroidered with Podillia chemise design, Ukrainian