
28 Pins
 · Last updated 4y
Correct your form
INSTAGRAM @zoehappyfit Your focus should be on CONTROLLING the movement to make sure the body parts that work are the correct ones ⚠️ You can do isolation moves that target your glutes and NEVER actually feel it in your glutes just because the movement is not controlled 😖 #healthy #fitness #exercises #body #fit
These 9 lazy girl butt exercises for women are truly AMAZING!
These 9 lazy girl butt exercises for women are truly AMAZING! With these at home butt workouts, you can get rid of your cellulite by shaping, lifting, toning and firming your butt. You’ll get a bigger butt and show off your new curves by summer in no time!
Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs
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Interno coscia: allenamento mirato - Sanieattivi.it Best Calf Exercises, Calf Exercises, San Gennaro, Tone Thighs, Family Tips, Tabata Workouts, Major Muscles, Sports Health, Belly Fat Workout
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Interno coscia: allenamento mirato - Sanieattivi.it
Tabata Workout für Po & Oberschenkel
Hier kommt ein ganz schnelles Workout für dich: 4 Minuten Tabata für deine Beine, Oberschenkel und den Po. Dieses Tabata Workout bedeutet auch: 4 Minuten Vollgas geben. Squat Lunges und Jumping Jacks im Wechsel. Trainiere jetzt live mit unseren Trainerinnen mit und verbrenne ordentlich Kalorien in kurzer Zeit. Das perfekte Workout für den Knackpo to go. #Tabata #TabatafürFrauen #beinepotraining #legday
Lower belly fat 🔥
💥 Leg day 🍑