
14 Pins
a man in a priest's outfit standing at the alter with his hands clasped
Oul te scapă de farmece și blesteme: uite cum te protejează!
an open book with some writing on the page and two different words in each one
an image of a book with the title in spanish
three lit up blocks with the words you'll never want to leave home shop now
Minecraft Ore Lights - Blue
💡 The Perfect Light For Your Room! 🔋 Long Lasting Battery + USB Charger
an image of the face of jesus with words in spanish and english above it on a green field
a cell phone with an image of jesus on the screen and texting below it
an image of the virgin mary and child jesus on a black background with words in spanish
12K reactions · 4.7K shares | | Argentina Popa | filosofiakintsugi · Original audio
an old black and white photo of a man wearing a hoodie with braids on his head
Rugăciunea care te scapă de orice rău din viața ta! Ce se întâmplă dacă o rostești timp de o lună
an image of jesus holding a cross with the words in spanish and english on it
a cell phone with an image of jesus on the screen and texting below it
an ornate frame with the words in spanish