
200 Pins
Lavanda - Tăiere, Înmulțire - magazinul de acasă
Transforma un lastar de lavanda, intr-un ghiveci cu planta adulta
A stropit rosiile si castravetii cu acest amestec si legumele nu au mai fost niciodata atacate de boala - Healthy Zone
SECRET Fertilizer :) My fertilizing cocktail consists of mixing 1/2 bottle of cheap beer, 1 tablespoon of Epson salts, and 2 tablespoons of fish emulsion in a watering can (1-2 gallons). I do this to ALL my vegetable, flowers, and indoor plants. You will definitely notice the difference in a few weeks! Dont waste too much money on the beer. Cheapest still works great -- plants arent picky!
Growing Apple Trees From Seed.
Get a paper towel and wrap your apple seeds in them. Wet the paper towel and put it in the plastic bag. Make sure the plastic bag is sealed tight, and put it in the fridge. Your seeds should take about a month to germinate but check every few weeks and wet again if dry. Your seeds will start to have little white sprouts coming out of them soon enough that's when you know there ready for planting.
Start A Fire
Great way to wash veggies fresh from the garden and a trough or piping to route to runoff to garden.
Planting Tomatoes, How to Plant Tomatoes
How to plant tomatoes for best results. I've been doing this for years with great results. My green thumb Pap ought me this planting trick :)
Afacere cu afine – cum sa o pornesti cu dreptul
afacere cu afine ghid in agricultura
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Secretele unui fermier bio: 5 plante din care se obțin cele mai fertile îngrășăminte pentru legume
Cele mai bune îngrășăminte nu costă o avere. Ele pot fi obținute din plante recunoscute pentru că pot oferi culturii de legume nutrienții de care aceasta are nevoie, explică Marin Dumbravă,
Cultivarea capsunilor in gradina & camp: tehnologie completa
Cultivarea capsunilor in gradina & camp
сад, огород
Редисочный конвеер почти круглый год.