
662 Pins
Let’s make these heart earrings using 2 different techniques Sutton slice and puffy technique it was my first attempt for Sutton slice and I am so so happy it’s work great . A small tutorial hope it’s helps alot to all of the makers friends 🥹 ✨ a small request if you feel valuable please do share with your maker friend and save this video for future reference when you want to try this technique so that you won’t loss it ✨🥹 #clay #claytutorial #clayearrings #clayearringsofinstagram #valen...
Ok one last NYE earring inspo. Can’t go wrong with black and gold/silver! ✨✨✨
Niečo málo z procesu - podobne video sme tu už niekedy mali ale nie v tmavozelenej 🙂 a tmavozelená ukázala naozaj super - hlavne na visiacich náušniciach. #green #polymerclay #visiacenausnice #love #jewellery #handmade #jewellery #perlet #resin #vyroba #darcek #slovensko #slovakia #polymerovahmota #clay #creations #handmade #girls #fimo #elegant