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15 Pins
Camping Hack: How to Make Fire With Lemon
Camping Hack: How to Make Fire With Lemon: a perfect scientific experiment for kids to learn electro-chemical reactions and circuitry.
Coming Soon
Rachel Berwick - 'May-por-e' 1997 find your inspiration visiting www.i-mesh.eu and click I LIKE on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-MESH/633220033370693
50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making
50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making- Great resource! Be sure to pin for later. Lots of all-natural DIY recipes for cleaning zero bleach alternative, furniture polish, tub scrub, laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, glass cleaner, fabric softener, and more. www.onedoterracommunity.com https://www.facebook.com/#!/OneDoterraCommunity
Tried & Tested: Hanging Art with Soda Pop Tabs
Pop top as picture hanger, clever.
Eco-Chic Ideas for Your Home - Whole Living
Pinecones and dried herbs such as rosemary, sage leaves, and cinnamon sticks make fragrant kindling for a winter fire -- and, unlike composite firelogs and lighter fluid, don't rely on chemicals to ignite the flame. 1. Bundle dried herbs and small pinecones in a sheet of newspaper and secure the ends with raffia or cotton twine. 2. As you pile up logs for your fire, nestle the herb bundle underneath, with paper ends sticking out. 3. To start the fire, light the newspaper ends. As the paper bu...