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Use a Zester for Chocolate Curls - Article - FineCooking
Chocolate Curls - Use a large offset spatula to spread melted chocolate evenly over the back of a rimmed baking sheet to create a thin coating. Let stand at room temperature until it loses its sheen, 10 to 20 minutes; then refrigerate until the chocolate is set but not hard, 5 to 10 minutes. Pull a citrus zester through the chocolate to create narrow curls.
Chocolate Birds Nest - HowToCookThat : Cakes, Dessert & Chocolate
Chocolate Nests how to cook that. Perfect video tutorial
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites
I messed these up cause I'm a ding-dong, but if you do them right, they will be delish! And actually, even my messed up ones tasted great, they just didn't look very pretty Sub in almond butter and dark chocolate for a Paleo treat!
Chocolate Covered Strawberries - Recipe Snobs
I made these so long ago and have just never posted them, but with it being June, and a huge month when people are getting married and having anniversaries, I figures now would be a good time to ge...
Homemade Chocolate Cups
Ice cream is just better when it's eaten out of a chocolate bowl. Use this simple trick to elevate any frozen dessert!