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La blouse roumaine - Nedeia de Sfântul Ilie reiterata la Muzeul Astra Sibiu | Facebook
Children learn the old artisan traditions of Romanian villagers at Astra Museum in Sibiu, Romania/ Nedeia de Sfântul Ilie reiterata la Muzeul Astra Sibiu
Cea mai frumoasă excursie de weekend în Transilvania
Old cistercian monastery, Carta village, Transylvania, Romania,
Visit Romania
Pestera Village in Brasov County, Romania. It is a steep climb from Moeciu to Pestera, even with an SUV. But once you reach the summit, you will be literally blown away by the majesty of the scenario.
Peles Castle
Peles Castle, Sinaia, Romania, is a beautiful example of architecture where the Italian Renaissance, Gothic, German Baroque and French Rococo style are very well representatived on the decorative elements. Located in Sinaia at 44 km from Brasov, Romania an aria with a montaine climatic and a wonderful landscape, is considered by many one of the most beautiful castles in all Europe.
Mănăstirea Râmeț este unul dintre cele mai vechi așezăminte călugărești din Transilvania.
Cheile Rametului (Rametului Klamm), Romania
Poiană în formă de inimă, mai tare ca frunza lui Udrea
Heart Meadow (Poiana Inimii), Romania