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Outdoor smoker,idk,but i believe the room underdneath should have been the firebox.maybe its more of a cold smoker,still cool looking
2.7M views · 31K reactions | PVC Tool Shed Organizing Hacks | PVC Tool Shed Organizing Hacks 👍 | By Nifty Outdoors | Facebook
PVC Tool Shed Organizing Hacks
11M views · 70K reactions | Hidden Compartment Floating Shelf | This floating shelf slides open to reveal a hidden compartment? What will you hide inside yours? 👀 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Floating Shelf // #home #storage #decor #shelf
35 Smart Bathroom Storage Ideas to Get Your Space Organized
Niches carved out between wall studs provide the prefect spot to conceal bathroom items of all shapes and sizes. Here, a trio of cutouts house luxury items, such as a small television (shown). Black-and-white framed art prints function as cabinet doors.
17 ingeniosos escondites que engañarán a cualquier ladrón
Marco de fotografía para guardar dinero
Sliding Top Secret Compartment Nightstand | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Secret Compartment Nightstand Sliding Top Secret Compartment Nightstand – StashVault
Finding Woodworking Patterns for All Your DIY Projects – The Woodworking Shop
DIY Wood Floating Shelf For $10…: