
Sigils for magick - again, some of them are purely so that they can be spotted when others use them, especially that 'Creator' Talisman. You'd have to be suicidal or insane to use that...
Chetham's Library | Box office closed
Alchemy: Athanasius Kircher - (Chetham's Library, Manchester). An Alchemy artwork.
Carolina Rubio
"Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold." - Leo Tolstoy Alchemy / Sacred Geometry
indeprehensus: King Solomon’s Magical Circle #KingSolomonsWives #ThrillerSeries #HollyMcDowell
Ceremonial Magick: The Kabbalistic Tree of Life. #Ceremonial #Magick.
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The Hyle Triangle is a design from Fludd's book 'Utriusque Cosmi Historia' written in 1617 and is an attempt to define the intersecting relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds. Fludd wrote that it may be impossible to define and one can only come close by using an analogy.
UK illustrator and tarot deck artist Neil Lovell of Malpertuis Designs reveals an un-named new tarot card deck in production.