
457 Pins
30 Wedding Table Decoration & Centrepiece Ideas
50 Inspiring Centrepieces; paint glass bottles and decorate them with shells
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The "Big Bear in Lime Green" designer wall mounted clock from LeLuni. $52.00, via Etsy.
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Wooden Train Clock Bamboo Clock for Boys' Rooms by KeepsakeToys
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Retro Alarm Clock Style Modern Wooden Wall Clock with by Klokx, $19.99
Panache Wooden Number Wall Clock
Panache Wooden Number Wall Clock,
Relojes Corte Láser sobre Discos de Vinílo / Laser Cutting Vinyl Disc Wall Clocks
vinyl wall clock flower
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Big Numbers Vinyl Record Clock
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Rustic and chic. Perfect for my basement living room theme! Love the concept.