
Things to learn or do that can make me happier
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Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) ⭐ 6.9 | Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)
Random Acts of Kindness Triathlon | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - Operation Kindness. This week on Science of Happiness, Julian takes participants outside of the lab to find out why being kind makes you happier.
The Secret to a Happy Family | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - The Secret to a Happy Family. What makes a happy family? How do you know if you're doing a good job as a parent? Inspired by Zach Braff's latest movie, "Wish I Was Here" we decided to bring in real parents, with their children, to set up an experiment and find out more.
Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - Look on the Bright Side. When life knocks you down, people will tell you to look on the bright side. But are they actually right? This week on The Science of Happiness, Julian investigates positive thinking.
Woman Gets PERFECT SCORE on The Happiness Test! | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - The Happiness Test Perfect Score! The Science of Happiness team was shocked when participant Mama Hill received the first ever perfect score on her happiness test.
How Does Art Therapy Heal the Soul? | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - Art Therapy. Does making art make you happier? This week on Science of Happiness, Julian investigates positive art therapy with a special guest.
Calling to Say Thank You | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - Calling to Say Thank You. When we posted our first Science of Happiness video about gratitude, we asked you to send us a video doing the experiment yourself. We are so glad you did, here are the results.
The Power of Forgiveness | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - Forgive and Forget. Forgiveness, what does it really mean? If you ask for forgiveness, do you lose the upper hand? This week on Science of Happiness we get selfish for minute, and find out what's in it for you.
An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - An Experiment in Gratitude. What makes you happy? Have you ever wondered why? Join us as we take an experimental approach on what makes people happier.
Why We Hug so Hard it Hurts | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - A Study of Cute Aggression. Have you ever thought something was so cute you just wanted to squeeze it? Ever wonder why? This week on the Science of Happiness, we investigate a phenomenon known as 'cute aggression.' Here's what we found out!
Why Happy People Do it Better | The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness - If You're Happy and You Know It. We've all heard it - the more successful you are, the happier you are. But what if it was the opposite? What if being happier, actually made you more successful?
Happiness: 18 Activities To Make Yourself Happy Today - PsyBlog
10 Fascinating New Psychology Studies Everyone Should Know