Chinese medicine

307 Pins
Why Would I Put Essential Oils on My Feet? Foot Reflexology
Why Would I Put Essential Oils on My Feet? Applying essential oils on feet is an excellent method to reap EO benefits. The bottoms of our feet have large pores so the essential oil molecules are able to get absorbed very quickly. Reflexology chart of feet and hand. Learn the specific pressure point of the different body systems.
Prints of Reflexology foot map, artwork
Reflexology foot map, artwork. Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine in which disorders in the body are treated by massaging areas of the feet thought to correspond to the affected area. The theory states that disorders are caused by blocked energy channels, which terminate in the feet #MediaStorehouse
Acupuncture Point: Liver 3 (LV 3) - Acupuncture Technology News
If I had to give LI 3 a nickname it would be the "Cranky, Anger Relieving Point!" This point is by far the best acupuncture point for calming emotions.