
7 Pins
Indian Chief Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Hand crafted, from start to finish, with much care and attention, one man job, just one pair of hands, nothing in hurry, nothing precut on machine, based on our original pattern cut, we really love this one, not only that looks very clean and elegant,I dare to say luxurious (it's maybe because the color) but it's also very practical.
Indian Chief Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Hand crafted, from start to finish, with much care and attention, one man job, just one pair of hands, nothing in hurry, nothing precut on machine, based on our original pattern cut, we really love this one, not only that looks very clean and elegant,I dare to say luxurious (it's maybe because the color) but it's also very practical.
Indian Chief Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Hand crafted, from start to finish, with much care and attention, one man job, just one pair of hands, nothing in hurry, nothing precut on machine, based on our original pattern cut, we really love this one, not only that looks very clean and elegant,I dare to say luxurious (it's maybe because the color) but it's also very practical.
Indian Scout Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Deluxe voyage leather bag,
Indian Scout Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Deluxe voyage leather bag,
Indian biker belt bag,Indian belt bag, belt bag, leather belt bag for bikers,
Indian Scout Sissy bar deluxe leather bag, Deluxe voyage leather bag,Indian Scout leather bag for