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34 Pins
Screw Gun Rack
PVC Pipe Screw Gun Rack. A simple DIY rack made to hold the screw guns, drills, and electric shears in the tool crib.
How to Build a DIY Drill Organizer
Cordless drills and drivers are our most-used tools. We couldn’t work without them. But with their chargers and spare batteries, they’re also a prime source of workbench clutter. What they need is dedicated space that allows for easy organization and instant access—like this drill dock.
Winter Garden Tool Storage: How To Clean Garden Tools For Winter
Gorgeous! We have different giveaways on our twitter, IG, & FB. So follow all 3. . Let’s build something! We help u get prof quality at DIY $! Team Braxtly #AngleizerTemplateTool #AmazonsChoice #templatetool #angelizer #diy #tools #heavydutytemplatetool #multianglemeasuringruler #doityourself #woodwork #woodworking #carpentry #contractors
Free 10
Free 10" Saw Blade Holder Project Plan - Instructables 2 - 2X4 - 11" 2 - 1X4 - 11-3/8" Couple of wood screws and glue.
Saw Blade Rack
The 7 B’s of Bookcase Plans | Popular Woodworking
hammer rack Todd Nebel instagram
10 Creative Recycling Ideas for Convenient Garage Storage and Organization
Creative recycling ideas and clever designs help prevent your hardware from rusting, organize the workspace and offer efficient and eco friendly garage storage solutions. The little things make a huge
Organize Anything with Pegboard: 14 Ideas and Tips
Go Hookless - You can craft your own hooks using stuff from the hardware aisle. Clip the tips from No. 6 hollow wall anchors, drive them into 1/4-in. pegboard holes, then secure your custom tool holder by driving screws into the anchors. Short 5/16-in.-diameter lag bolts fit snugly into 1/4-in. holes to create inexpensive hangers for lightweight objects.