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1,380 Likes, 26 Comments - Gemma Troy Poetry (@gemmatroypoetry) on Instagram: “Thank you for reading my poems and quotes/text that I post daily about love, life, friendship and…”
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Inspirational quote: I am better off healed than I ever was unbroken. -&nbsphernameisanita Resources and Information.
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She travels between worlds unlearning thousands of years of conditioning.. WILD WOMAN SISTERHOODॐ #WildWomanSisterhood #she #wildwoman #wildwomanmedicine #EmbodyYourWildNature
In my defence, The Moon was full and I was left unsupervised.. WILD WOMAN SISTERHOOD™ Photo: Barefoot Five
"Whichever dream has been placed on your heart has been placed there for a reason. You don't need someone to approve of it, validate it, or make it more important for you than it already is. If you're waiting on the world to give you the green light to move forward, you're going to wait forever. Trust that your dreams aren't just idle fantasies, but a blueprint of your destiny." -Jordan Bach #yourjourneyawaits #jordanbach #thebachbook #spiritjunkie #inspiration #dreambig