
101 Pins
At Home EMOM Workout
12 MINUTE EMOM 🔥 You only need one bell for this. I'm using a 24kg (53 lb) bell, but adjust accordingly. Do this with a buddy, if you can. It's a lot more fun that way. Workout details: - Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes - 10x swing to face pulls - 8X palm clean to lunge - 6x snatch to press The remainder of each minute is your rest… Thanks to @joellerblades on IG for sharing 👑
Lateral Lunge Kettlebell Swings
Lateral Lunge Kettlebell Swings 💥 Add this move into your next full body kettlebell workout and let us know what you think 👑 Watch it on YouTube using the link!
Ejercicios con kettlebell
Ejercicios con kettlebell, mira los ejercicios más completos que puedes hacer con kettlebell las pesas rusas. #cinturonescrossfit #entrenamientocrossfit #mejorescinturones #crossfitespaña #crossfit #crossfitmujer #CrossFit #WODs
This may contain: a man with long hair and no shirt is standing in front of a pool holding a water hose
Нарезка для себя #гиря
10 Minute EMOM Kettlebell Workout
10 MINUTE EMOM 🔥 This is a complex done one time each minute. WORKOUT DETAILS: 2 x swings 2 x cleans 2 x alternating thrusters 2 x rows Rest for the remainder of the minute and repeat 💥 Thanks to @joellerblades on IG for sharing 👑
Side Swings | Rotational Kettlebell Swings Form
Build rotational strength and walk around feeling more stable and able 💪🏽 Thanks to @themartinmethod on IG for sharing 👑 Watch in on YouTube using the link!
Ejercicios con kettlebell
Ejercicios con kettlebell, mira los ejercicios más completos que puedes hacer con kettlebell las pesas rusas. #cinturonescrossfit #entrenamientocrossfit #mejorescinturones #crossfitespaña #crossfit #crossfitmujer #CrossFit #WODs