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Compassionate Action
Chatral Rinpoche, the quintessential "hidden yogi," has been a legend in theHimalayan region for the past seventy years. Although he has never traveled tothe West, his amazing story and teachings have gradually been infiltrating theWestern Buddhist consciousness since Father Thomas Merton first met him in1968 and famously remarked that he was "the greatest man I ever met." This isthe first English-language book of this living legend; it includes hisbiography and autobiography, six of his essays,
The Power of Positive Karma
The birth of great wisdom ~ Gampopa http://justdharma.com/s/sdvet Great wisdom will not take birth in you If you have earned little merit. – Gampopa source: http://www.lionsroar.com/the-power-of-positive-karma/
The Sanity We Are Born With
Meditation master Chögyam Trungpa applies the foundational teachings ofBuddhism to mental health More and more mental health professionals are discovering the rich traditionof Buddhist psychology and integrating its insights into their work withclients. Buddhist tradition teaches that all of us are born with what ChögyamTrungpa terms "basic sanity," or inherent goodness, health, and clearperception. Helping ourselves and others to connect with this intrinsic groundof sanity and health is the
Tsoknyi Rinpoche | Pundarika Foundation
Tsoknyi Rinpoche in Bhutan
Ground, Path and Fruition
Getting lost in good things ~ Tai Situ Rinpoche http://justdharma.com/s/o4ux9 We shouldn’t get carried away. We shouldn’t get lost when things happen to us. Getting lost in good things is as bad as getting lost in bad things. We should not get lost in anything. We should always be aware and mindful. – Tai Situ Rinpoche from the book "Ground, Path and Fruition" ISBN: 978-1877294358 - https://www.amazon.com/Ground-Path-Fruition-Situ-Rinpoche/dp/1877294357/156-1376427-2042243?ie=UTF8&camp=1789