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Pink & Gold Metallic Kendama And Extr... $17.95 #bestseller
Blue Ocean Marble Kendama - Full
Blue Ocean Marble Kendama - Full Unique fully marble painted with baby blue, blue & black swirled together to make this stylized deep ocean themed Kendama.
Artist Series Customs - The Giving Tree
Shop All Sweets Kendamas - Great Kendamas at Great Prices
Homegrown Spectra - Tequila Sunrise + Maple w/ Spectra Stripe
Sweet Kendamas | Kendama , Strings, Apparel & More
Leather Kendama Holster
心思如此細膩的作品!你看到的是劍玉還是藝術! 感謝藝術家們在劍玉上創作,讓劍玉文化有不同的風貌。 使用方式:電燒 作者:Masako Hosoi ︱ 繊细な心を持つ作品!ご覧になったのはけん玉だけではなく芸術でもある。 けん玉に創作されたアーティストに心より感謝いたします。けん玉文化に異なった風貌をもたらします。 ペイントツール:はんだごて 作者:ほそいまさこ ︱ Delicate and heartwarming art work! It not only a kendama and also an art! Thanks to every artist who presented their creation on kendama, they has brought many different style for kendama culture. Tools used by Painters: Heating Electric Solder Painters: Masako Hosoi
Purpleheart/Maple Split Terra Kendama