Uleiuri esențiale doterra

12 Pins
Successive Autumns - Diffuser Blend . “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” - George Eliot . * Aromatic Profile: Spicy 50.0%, Resinous 33.3%, Citrus 16.7% * Emotion: Neutral , Click the link in my bio @essentially_loving_oils to purchase a diffuser, Essential Oils, or any of our products. . Contact me with any questions, or to find out how to join my team and save up to 55% with a Wholesale ...
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How to user doTERRA"s Top 10 oils support the body's systems. Get started with your own starter kit of the best essential oils on the planet. Purhcase your oils through my to get access to my library of essential oil resources, a private consultation, and more! Click the link for all the details! #doterra #essentialoils #healthyliving #holisticnutritioinist #greenliving #naturalsoluions #naturalhealth #emotionalbalance #naturalimmunity #essentialoilsforskin