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Adding pattern and texture to our spirals. This will take another class to complete. 5th grade watercolor with gel pens. The source of…
Dazzling Dot Painting Craft
Get creative with cotton swabs and Crayola Watercolors in this simple, yet impressive, painting project!
How to Make Pointillism Art with Cotton Swabs
Pointillism art with Q-tips is one of our standby, super-easy-yet-interesting activities and watercolors work great for it!
#3rdgrade started their abstract name art this week! Forgot how much I loved this project last year! I can't wait for the kids to add color ❤️#elementaryartteacher #artroom #elementaryart #artteacherlife #artteacher #iteachart #teachersfollowteachers #iteachtoo
Yarn Painting.
Such a cool art project for kids! Make pictures with yarn instead of paint!
In the Art Room: Tree Weaving with Third Grade
Cassie Stephens: In the Art Room: Tree Weaving with Third Grade