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Materials and documents of architecture and sculpture : classified alphabetically : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Gothic architecture, improved by rules and proportions : in many grand designs of columns, doors, windows, chimney-pieces, arcades, colonades, porticos, umbrellos, temples and pavillions &c. : with plans, elevations and profiles : Langley, Batty, 1696-1751 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Materials and documents of architecture and sculpture : classified alphabetically : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The city and country builder's and workman's treasury of designs : or, The art of drawing and working the ornamental parts of architecture. Illustrated by upwards of four hundred grand designs, neatly engraved one hundred and eighty-fix Copper plates, for piers, gates, doors, windowns, niches, buffets, cisterns, chimney pieces, tabernacle frames, pavements, frets, gulochi's, pulpits, types, altar pieces, monuments, fonts, obelisques, pedestals, for sun-dials, busto's and stone tables, book-cafes, cielings and iron works ; proprortioned by Aliquot Pars ; with an appendix of fourteen plates of strusses for girders and beams, different sorts of rafters, and a variety of roofs, &c ; to which are prefix'd the five orders of columns, according to Andrea Palladio ; whose members are apportioned by Aliquot Pars, in a more easy manner, than has yet been done ; the whole interspersed with sure rules for working all the varieties of raking members in pediments, modilions, &c. the like, for the immediate use of workmen, never published before in any language : Langley, Batty, 1696-1751 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Альбом с орнаментами князя Гр.Гр.Гагарина 1887г.