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39 Pins
Unique custom designed wall decoration product.Hugging couple Metal Wall Art
Sarılan çift Metal Tablo - Hugging couple #woodworkingprojects #WoodworkingIdeasandProjects
Acrylic Paint - Specialty Paints - Media Fluid Acrylic Art Paint - Media Fluid Acrylics
DecoArt - Mixed Media Blog - Project - Crackle Fun With Altered Playing Cards
DIY Wood Shopping List Pad
En tu piso no puede faltar este DIY de shopping list. Es super fácil e imprescindible para no olvidarte de las cosas.
{beautiful to me} Graypants - Tasha Chawner
an innovative model for what is possible when designers return to using their hands, think responsibly and craft outside the lines – are created from salvaged cardboard which is then treated with a non-toxic, low-to-zero VOC, class-A fire retardant (that has been extensively tested and meets numerous industry standards).
Transforma llantas usadas en muebles ecológicos
Transforma llantas usadas en muebles ecológicos
Cómo hacer cestas de papel periodico paso a paso
Cómo hacer una maceta de papel. How to make a garden pot.