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Your Daily Source of Quotes
"If you hear a voice within you say „you cannot paint“, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced" (~ Vincent van Gogh) | Visit Roni's Daily Words of Wisdom for more inspirational quotes.
"..διότι το να μιλά κανείς για Ενωμένη Ευρώπη χωρίς την Ελληνική είναι σα να μιλά σε έναν τυφλό για χρώματα.. " "..because talking about a united Europe without Greek language is like talking to a blind man about colours.."
Scarab: its meaning - the word "transform", or "transformation", the phrase Men-(Kh)eper-Re becomes: strong-transforming-Ra, and some renderings in common English are The Transforming Strength (of) Ra, or Ra's Steadfastness (of) Transformations. A much later word that replaced the kheper, 'transforming' was the Greek language "epiphanous", the word for manifesting.
Greek Language and People
Rich Blog on May Glyphs & more. Links aplenty. Cover of The Linguistics of Maya Writing
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is based around communication. It is about how to communicate more effectively with yourself and with others.
Phim heo Việt Nam không che - Heovl hay nhất | Phimheo88
The new Google plus launch: The Cognitive Science and Writing Community discusses neuroscience and linguistics - ZipMinis Blog-ology: Science of Blogging