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[Vu sur Ravelry] : trois écharpes faciles pour Noël
Simple ladder lace - Cast on 24 sts (or any number of stitches dividable with 4). Knit 2 rows Knit pattern row: K4, (YO, K2tog, K2) repeat between ( ) 5 times. Repeat the pattern row until your scarf is at desired length. Knit 1 row.
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In love with these shades of green. Coming too close to frumpy with the way the over shirt is shaped, would need to do tank top and leggings with over layer, leggings with tunic or well fitting tee with the harem pants. Only one baggy item per outfit!
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Blazer sewing pattern Free. Silk Charmeuse Blazer Sewing Project. Silk Charmeuse…
Opciones faldas con volantes (con dibujos de patrones). Comentarios: LiveInternet - Russian Servicio Di… | Patrones de costura, Bosquejos de moldes, Molde de faldas
Opciones faldas con volantes (con dibujos de patrones). Comentarios: LiveInternet - Russian Servicio Diarios Online: