fete des meres

31 Pins
Je ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous montrer nos ours colorés. C'est un petit exercice de graphisme qui a beaucoup plu à mes filles. Il me reste à trouver de jolis cadres pour les exposer à la maison. Mon article sera en ligne demain sur le blog. Belle soirée 😚 #lesactivitesdupaysdesmerveilles #ours #activitecreative #giottofrance @giottofrance #ambassadricegiotto #graphisme #kidscraft
Artesanato para Crianças: 10 Brinquedos Divertidos para Fazer nas Férias - Revista Artesanato
Artesanato para Crianças – 10 Ideias Divertidas para Fazer nas Férias | Revista Artesanato
Back to School DIY Ideas - Stationery Crafts - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
Back to School DIY Ideas - Stationery Crafts ! Oh how we love stationery and getting ready for Back To School.There are so many fab School Supplies DIY Ideas out there, you could be craftingw ith the kids all summer. So. Get ready for Back To School with these great Back to School DIY Ideas for Kids. From Pencil Toppers, to Bookmarks, DIY Pencil Cases and Notebooks, to colourful back pack charms! Enjoy.
Polar Bear Bookmark Corner - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
Polar Bear Crafts - make this super cute Paper Polar Bear Corner Bookmark. Love how he pops over the edge of your book to keep your page safe! #Bookmarks #winter #polarbear #wintercrafts #cornerbookmark #papercrafts
Printable Christmas origami bookmarks
Print and fold origami bookmarks in five fun Christmas designs. Easy kids' craft - perfect for school Christmas parties. Click through to get the free printable templates!
signet facile PS: recycler ruban sur cadeau de Noel
Maken (met de kinderen): de leukste boekenleggers
Leuk voor je kinderen die nu weer naar school gaan: boekenleggers knutselen. Ga lekker met je kinderen aan de keukentafel zitten en maak de mooiste creaties.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Baseball Bookmark. Party Favor. Sports Gift. Sports Bookmark. Coach Gift. Teacher Gift. Four or more One dollar each.. $2.00, via Etsy.
Scotch Duct Tape The Tape On Back-to-School Contest Has Begun!
Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Scotch Duct Tape The Tape On Back-to-School Contest Has Begun!