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Chaenomeles speciosa 'Geisha Girl' - flowering quince
Flowering Quince, Chaenomeles speciosis 'Geisha Girl' How delightful these blossoms in Spring, they appear well before the leaves and are held magically on to the dark bare branches of the plant!
Lovely Violets by Eva Rios Ortega / 500px
Violets. Leaves and flowers both edible. Once established, these plants create a mat of growth that is excellent for suppressing weeds. They need to be grown in a semi-shaded postition and are fairly hardy as long as they don't dry out. Violets like a moderately rich soil, with well-rotted compost and manure dug in.
Pink Evening Primrose
Pink Evening Primrose - I think these are the wildflowers I see all over the sides of the roads in early summer
Pagina niet gevonden - Seasons
Heuchera: • 'Brownies':chocolate;40cm • 'Cappuccino':brown;30cm • 'Caramel':caramel;40cm • 'Crème Brûlée':caramel w/ ocher;40cm • 'Ginger Ale':bronze yellow marbled;50cm • 'Marmalade':source yellow to orange brown;30cm • 'Mocha':dark brown-red;30cm • 'Peach Flambé':bronze;45cm • 'Pinot Gris':in spring orange marbled leaves, changing to silver / brown;35cm • 'Plumpudding':plum purple, shiny;50cm • 'Tiramisu':red marbled w/ yellow border, changs to yellow-green w/ red;30cm