Modele croșetat

24 Pins
Black-and-white striped cotton throw blanket pattern by Kathleen Quiring
Easy beginner’s project! Double-crochet makes this throw blanket quick and easy. Finished size about 3 feet x 4 feet. uses either one large 14-oz ball or 9 small 1.74-oz balls of each color (black and white).
[Free Pattern] This Stunning Blanket Is Made Using Only Three Crochet Stitches - Daily Crochet
[Free Pattern] This Stunning Blanket Is Made Using Only Three Crochet Stitches - Knit And Crochet DailyKnit And Crochet Daily
Nautical Patchwork Blanket pattern by Herrschners
Ravelry: Nautical Patchwork Blanket pattern by Herrschners
Aprenda como fazer croche passo a passo
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