Conscious Sexuality

Feminine Sexuality Weekend | Liana Buzea | Explore your sexuality!
I invite you in a journey of self-discovery and understanding of a part so profound and beautiful from our inner universe: conscious feminine sexuality.
Feelings, Arousal & Connection | Liana Buzea | Explore your sexuality!
In 2016 I launched men the challenge to ask what they wanted to know about feminine sexuality. Here is episode #6:
10 Must-Read Books for Yogis - mindbodygreen.com8. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga - Carl Jung Using the chakras as a basis for his work in individuation, Jung’s work on yoga sheds new light on the psychological basis of those seven invisible metaphors so common in the yoga world. While this book is at times dated—research in yoga was very new when he was exploring it—it holds up as a fascinating example of what inner struggles humans deal with while attempting to move into higher states o...
Breasts Massage
Breasts self-massage is one powerful tool for: health (lymph drainage), self-connection (relaxation and body awareness), pleasure development (sensitize your breasts to be more pleasurable than they are).
Foundations of seduction | Liana Buzea | Explore your sexuality!
The Foundations of Seduction Let us look at the essence of seduction.
Sexual Health | Liana Buzea | Explore your sexuality!
5 ingredients for a healhty sex life check it out here:
What Makes an Unforgettable Lover | Liana Buzea | Explore your sexuality!
What makes lovers unforgettable? I have an article and a vlog about it. Enjoy!