Engineering Stuff

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Gã mặt trời xấu tính Đem nước rót vào mây Làm thành cơn mưa nhỏ Ướt mèm con tim gầy. ©Linh Tumblr
Ne face o deosebita placere sa ii salutam pe colegii nostri din Italia si sa sarbatorim alaturi de ei Ziua Inginerului. It's a pleasure to show that we stand beside our colleagues from Italy in celebrating #EngineersDay.
June the 12th is marked in our calendar, as it is the day in which we commemorate (b. 12.06.1806 - d. 22.07.1869), a German-born American civil engineer. Amongst his accomplishments we would like to mention the Brooklyn Bridge, USA, a symbol of New York city. The construction of the bridge took no less than 14 years, as it has the total length of 1 825 metres.
Pentru ca astazi in Chile se sarbatoreste Ziua Inginerului, gandul ne poarta la peisajele idilice si la casutele colorate din orasul chilian Valparaiso. Because today is #EngineersDay in Chile, our thoughts take us to the beautiful landscapes and the colorful houses from the Chilean city of Valparaiso.
Because our colleagues from Bangladesh and Pakistan are celebrating Engineering Day today, we would like to congratulate them, as well as to show you the most impressive buildings from these countries. #EngineersDay Pentru ca astazi colegii nostri din Banglades si Pakistan sarbatoresc Ziua Inginerului, dorim sa ii felicitam pentru realizarile lor si sa va prezentam cele mai impresionante cladiri din aceste tari.
Vrei să-ți faci o casă, dar ți se pare întreg procesul mult prea complicat? Începe cu infograficul nostru ce sintetizează pasii necesari, iar pentru mai multe informații poți accesa:
February 22-28 - Engineers Week in USA – celebrating all that #engineering encompasses and showing how #engineers #makeadifference in the world. (Source:
February 17-23 - National Engineers Week in Bulgaria - "engineers, engineering students and technicians are recognized for all of the ‪#‎innovativethings‬ they do to make the world ‪#‎workbetter‬". (Source:…/national-engineers-week-spotlight…)