
125 Pins
Proscess of creation multi stone ring @oriworkshop The biggest gemstone is Sapphire and 2 Kyanites Don’t show process of polishing in the end, because I show it very often in my content 😉 #silverring #gemstonering #silversmith #jewellerymaker #processvideo #azerbaycan #handraftedjewelry #handmadebaku
For all the surfer girls and ocean lovers 🏄‍♀️✨🌊 Over the last few months, I’ve spent more time enjoying the beach than ever before. Playing in the waves has brought me a deep sense of contentment. I’m feeling thankful that I can create jewelry to reflect the things that make my heart come alive 🩷 I’m thrilled to share that the FORGED WAVE RING is available now at HSS in sizes 5-10. Stay tuned for its online release coming soon! #handmadejewelry #uniquejewelry #bohojewelry #artisanjewelry ...
This contains an image of: Process of Making Earrings Using Cloisonné Enamel Technique and Amethyst Stone.
Process of Making Earrings Using Cloisonné Enamel Technique and Amethyst Stone.
This contains an image of: Geometric textured gold brass earrings
Geometric textured gold brass earrings
Silver ring process  . . . . #customizedrings #silverjewelry #customizedgifts #BespokeBeauty #CustomizedCharms #couplerings #HeartNecklace #jewelrycustomization #jewelrytrends #NameEarrings #jewellerydesign #customized #goldplated #personalizedgifts #goldchains #liorqx #goldplatedbracelet #locketbar #goldjewelry #goldjewellery #jewelrydesign #customizelocket #goldplatedjewelry #goldplatedearings #liorx #customizejewelry #customizerings #chainnecklace #minimalistearings #goldplatedrings
Silver Rings process- Silve ring deisgn - Chandi ring Design- Silver Stone Ring
Silver ring process . . . . #customizedrings #silverjewelry #customizedgifts #BespokeBeauty #CustomizedCharms #couplerings #HeartNecklace #jewelrycustomization #jewelrytrends #NameEarrings #jewellerydesign #customized #goldplated #personalizedgifts #goldchains #liorqx #goldplatedbracelet #locketbar #goldjewelry #goldjewellery #jewelrydesign #customizelocket #goldplatedjewelry #goldplatedearings #liorx #customizejewelry #customizerings #chainnecklace #minimalistearings #goldplatedrings
Mosaic Flower Bolo 🩵 This mosaic boho flower bolo is what my dreams are made of. From sketching out the design to figuring out how to bring it to life with my hands – every step in the process fills me with joy. But seeing the final piece, with its inlayed turquoise and rainbow moonstone, is the most rewarding part🩵🤍🌸 #HandcraftedWithLove #BohoBolo #TurquoiseJewelry #MoonstoneVibes #BohoStyle #HandmadeJewelry #JewelryDesigner #TurquoiseLover #OneOfAKind