
82 Pins
Partea a sasea: Obiecte ale anilor '80 explicate generatiei internet. | Cronici pe bune
penar – Retrosentymentalny klub wspomnień wszystkich, którzy pamiętają życie w czasch PRL, lata 50., lata 60., lata 70., lata 80. aż do lat 90.
Chińskie pióra – Pamiętacie zapach atramentu i wiecznie brudne ręce?
Arabela is a children series produced in Czechoslovakia, in the 80's, that has all the ingredients of the recent Hollywood hits: a magical ring, a beautiful girl, princes and princesses, witches and spells.
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Colectie soldatei
Bancnota 25 lei 1952
1952 series 25-leu Romanian banknote; featuring Tudor Vladimirescu and the Coat of Arms of Romania on the obverse side, and harvest scenery from a Romanian collective farm on the reverse side.
20 lei 1883 (1884), 1890
20 lei 1883