How to . . .

How to . . . preserve, make, create, harvest, grow, prepare anything.
16 Pins
How to Dry Dill (4 Methods)
Talk about saving money! This tutorial for dehydrating dill is so easy, and you will literally save 50% off the shelf-price of dried dill. One $2 bunch makes twice as much as the small containers, and you don't need a dehydrator! Tutorial includes how to dehydrate dill using an oven, microwave a toaster oven and the old fashioned way too! ::
How to Dry Your Homegrown Herbs Quickly & Easily with a Dehydrator
You can simply bring herbs indoors and hang them as bundles from hooks, but it's easier and faster to dry herbs with a dehydrator.
How to Dehydrate Ginger Root and Make Ginger Powder – [Mom Prepared]
How I Preseve Foods - a collaborative Round Robin of Food Preservation posts from Prepared --- How to Dehydrate Ginger Root and...
How to Dehydrate Greens and Herbs
Preserving the harvest is a great way to get more out of your garden! Dehydrating herbs and greens is a great way to preserve vital nutrients and flavors for later use. You can dehydrate greens and herbs with very little effort and their uses are limitless.
How to Make Your Own Celery Powder
Learn how to make your own celery powder - did you even know you could? You'll be amazed by the taste!
Make Your Own Extracts for Cooking and Gift Giving
Good quality extracts can make such a difference in cooking! Baking sugar cookies? Vanilla is wonderful, but add some almond extract and now you really have a special treat. Or a touch of orange extract in the frosting on a chocolate cake. Pure extracts can be pricey, but you can easily make them at home for a lot less. Package them in attractive jars, and you have a unique item for gift giving.
Homemade Onion Powder - Who Needs A Cape?
Why buy onion powder at the store when you can make your own at home. Easier than you'd think to make your own.
Herb Vinegars and Oils
HERB VINEGARS AND OILS/ another idea for the favors table. Get the savory with the sweet. @Laura Dillingham
The Best Ways to Preserve Basil
Ask most people what their favorite herb is, and their response will often be basil
How To Make Chocolate Extract
Cacao beans contain top notes that are usually lost when they're processed into chocolate, but you can get
Herbal Finishing Salts and White Sage
How to prepare herb-infused finishing salts + properties of salts from around the world // from Blog Castanea
Making Herbal Vinegar
It’s nice to have herbal vinegars on hand to boost the flavor of our favorite dishes, and since our growing season is just getting started, it’s a good time to make some. It’s simple to make and can add a wonderful shot of summertime flavor to salad dressings, marinades, gravies, and sauces. I also like …
Rodale Wellness - Latest Health and Wellness Tips & Product Reviews
Keep garden-fresh herbs handy all fall and winter, and leave the store-bought dried herbs on the shelf.
How to Make Sugar From Beets
How To Make Your Own Sugar Sugar will always be a great thing to have in a SHTF situation