kettle hat

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War Hat | European | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
'Chapel de fer'. Según la tradición, hallado en el Lago Morat (Suiza). Siglo XIV o inicios del XV. Acero. Medidas: 22.23 x 33.34 cm; Peso: 1264 gr. Metropolitan MUseum, Rogers Fund, 1904. Inv. nº 1904.3.234
ca. 1400 - 'Eisenhut', Tyrol, Kaiserburg, Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany
'Eisenhut', Tyrol, Kaiserburg, Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany ca. 1400 - 'Eisenhut', Tyrol, Kaiserburg, Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany
Painting of the byzantine emperor Heraclius (r. 610-641) defeats the Persian army led by the prince on a bridge. Detail from altar of Nedstryn church, Norway, 1310
Military Illuminations from Las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X el Sabio de Castile; of Castilian, Granadine and Moorish Soldiers
Panel 2, Cantiga 19 - The Three Knights. Man on foot wearing a greathelm, or "Yelmo de Zaragoza". Seems like decent extant evidence for use of the great helm on foot. Also dig the kettle hats.
Escrime pour les écrivains : Épée et bouclier - Catherine Loiseau | Autrice, Coach et Formatrice