
201 Pins
a painting of a woman's face with her hair blowing in the wind as if it were blown up
Sloane Crosley Contemplates Giving Up the Chase for Eternal Youth
Sloane Crosley Contemplates Giving Up the Chase for Eternal Youth
green glass bottles are hanging from the ceiling
Sake No Hana Restaurant
帝美思灯饰,是一家非标定制已有十年生产经验灯具工厂,专业承接国内外酒店工程售楼处样板间灯具项目,现工厂有沉淀多年的设计团队,生产团队,服务团队,售后团队,组成的一支强大队伍。秉承着客户至上,品质优良,诚信为本的经营理念。欢迎国内外合作商来厂考察指导。联系人刘生:13702535670 19179528280
a red and white building with an ornate door
david cardelús rediscovers art nouveau architecture in barcelona
door at 75 Padua Street, Barcelona - art nouveau in soft green and saturated red (photo: david cardelús - designboom)