
73 Pins
Focaccine filanti di patate e broccoli
🕐Tempo di preparazione: 30 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 10 minuti 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 8-10 focaccine 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Patate, 400 g; Broccoli, 150 g; Fecola di patate, 150 g; Edamer, 80 g circa; Olio, 2 cucchiai per l’impasto + q.b. Sale, q.b. ; Pepe, q.b. Consigli: Puoi sostituire l’Edamer con un altro tipo di formaggio filante come la scamorza. Puoi utilizzare l’amido di mais al posto della fecola di patate.
Keto Friendly Healthiest Pizza Recipes - Easy Keto Recipes for Beginners
This Secret Ingredient is the Cause of 50% of Weight Loss? CLICK HERE
Sałatka ziemniaczana z jajami i wędzonym łososiem
[DOKŁADNY PRZEPIS W LINKU] Sałatka ziemniaczana z jajami i wędzonym łososiem to propozycja idealna na wielkanocny stół. Nadaje się również na lunch lub kolację. Jest sycąca i bardzo pożywna. Spróbuj koniecznie!
Homemade Coleslaw with the simplest coleslaw dressing! This recipe only requires 4 basic ingredients, it couldn’t be easier to make, and it’s so creamy and refreshing ➡️Ingredients: 1/2 pointed cabbage / 1/2 tsp salt / 1 carrot / 6 radishes / ➡️Dressing: 150 Greek yogurt / 2 tablespoons mayonnaise / 1 tablespoon mustard / 2 cloves of garlic / juice of 1/2 lemon / 1 tablespoon agave syrup / 1/2 tsp pepper / 1 tsp chili flakes / 2 tablespoons fresh dil.
Orange Explosion! Chicken So Good It's Crazy
Unleash Flavorful Chicken Joy. orange chicken / flavor bomb / easy recipe / juicy bites / homemade dinner / takeout-style / healthy twist / sweet & tangy / family favorite / quick meal / crowd pleaser / one-pan wonder
✅ Sauté de porc petit pois carotte
700g porc, 1 grosse boite de petit pois carotte, 1cs concentré de tomate, 2 oignons, 2 ail, 1 cube volaille, 1cc épices, 1cs maïzena