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1ST TRIAD CONTEMPLATE AND ADORE GOD DIRECTLY SERAPHIM Name means the burning ones, and they are Attendants at the Throne of God. They praise God singing, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts!" CHERUBIM Name means the Fullness of Wisdom, and they Contemplate God's providence. Assigned to protect special places. THRONES Represent the steadfastness of the love of God. They contemplate God's power and judgment, and they appear as the most unlike the others when revealed. 2ND TRIAD FULFILL GOD'S PLAN IN THE UNIVERSE DOMINIONS Lord over the lower choirs and humanity. They take illumination from the higher hierarchies and govern the universe, VIRTUES Run the operation of movement in the universe. They are often associated with planets, elements seasons, and nature. POWERS I Assist in governing the natural order. They are warrior angels tasked with fighting the war against the demonic choirs. I PRINCIPALITIES Princes of the lowest triad assigned to care and guard communities, kingdoms, states, and parishes. They are associated with transitions in power. ARCHANGELS Leader angels assigned to communicate and carry out God's important plans for man. Michael Gabriel, and Rafael are the only 3 names we know. ANGELS Angels are closest to the material world and humanity. The lowest choir is where we get the majority of our personal guardian angels Order of Angels - Order of Angels - iFunny