the worst days

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He doesn't know I like him and it hurts so much to hide it but if he finds out he may never talk to me again, because we're best friends and it would complicate things too much
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I ain't about this two years later mess saying "You don't know how you ever even felt about me". Maybe you should have mentioned that BEFORE we talked about our future together...countless times. I'm not EVER letting that happen again, even if it means swearing off dating. Don't allow yourself to get used to someone that is abusing your heart. You don't want to learn this behavior.
Sometimes I get scared of being too happy and excited about something because every time I get really happy, something bad happens and I end up disappointed
A Little Bit Of Everything.
Absolutely I'm the one in and out of hospitals texting you trying to call you & the only replies I ever got was that I'm the one that is treating you wrong and you don't understand how someone could treat someone they love like this....hold up first you were the one that left out of no where I realize your gonna say all you care about is yourself but stand in my position for a minute...I'm in the hospital have a chance that I am in fact dying & you don't have the love to even call or text m...
I miss my's forced text and short answers these days...that's what makes my heart hurt the most...
Last three for me. I don't want to talk so I speak fast to avoid having to do so. I kinda just stare intensely at whatever's in front of me and try to breathe. Distractions (like videos) help me a lot.