
546 Pins
7 Sections
Garden Water Feature Under $30!
Designing a DIY water feature can be a challenge if you are on a tight budget. It can be even more of a challenge if you are looking for a contemporary water fe…
600-Foot-Long Bioswale Planned for Coliseum Square Park
600-Foot-Long Bioswale Planned for Coliseum Square Park - Curbed New Orleansclockmenumore-arrownoyes : It's among Sewerage and Water Board's "green infrastructure" projects
Integrated Urban Bioswale Components
The sections above illustrate the basic components and functioning of the drain system integrated urban bioswale. The principle structure is a reinforced concrete channel that
Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region
#ClippedOnIssuu from Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region
Pocket Park: terrain nyc/ Archipelago Courtyard is a communal 6,000 square foot landscape
Public Park With Children Playground | Ukraine | 2010 - g. tolkachova
Public Park With Children Playground | Ukraine | 2010 by galyna tolkachova, via Behance
Articles - ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΕΣ - ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ - Συμμετοχες 2014 - 233.14 Τα παιδία σκηνοθετεί
Articles - ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΕΣ - ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ - Συμμετοχες 2014 - 233.14 Τα παιδία σκηνοθετεί