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3.3K views · 6.2K reactions | Nu am mancat #placinte mai bune!! Nu am fost degeaba in Bucovina, m-am intors cu rețete noi si foarte gustoase. Astazi va propun o reteta simpla de placinte cu branza. Puteti opta pentru orice fel de branza, eu am facut un amestec din mozzzarella, crema de branza nature si ou. Din ingredientele folosite au iesit 4 placinte mari. Ingrediente: 300 gr faina 180 ml apa calduta 1 lingura otet 1 lingura ulei de masline Un praf de sare 1 ou Umplutura: 300 gr mozzarella rasa 150 gr crema de branza 1 ou 20 gr unt topit Amestecam apa cu otetul, uleiul si sare apoi o turnam peste faina. Adaugam si oul apoi incepem framantarea. Framantam bine pana cand aluatul este elastic si nu se mai lipeste. Lasam sa se odihneasca 30 minute apoi taiem aluatul in 4 si formam niste bile pe care le intindem si le impaturim ca in video. Le mai lasam 10 minute la odihnit, timp in care pregatim umplutura. Este foarte importanta tehnica de impaturire, astfel ne asiguram ca nu iese afara branza. Ungem cu unt sau ou batut si bagam in cuptor la 200 grade timp de 20 minute. Sunt senzationaleee, trebuie sa le incerci. #placintacubranza #placintedecasa | Sanatatea in mancare
Certains mangent des gougères à l'apéro, d'autres peuvent en faire un repas.
14M views · 50K reactions | Mix Veg Pakora ASMR | Mix Veg Pakora ASMR Ingredients & Process: Finely Chopped Cabbage, Carrot, Beat, Coriander, Onion Gram Flour - 4 Tbsp Rice Flour - 2 Tbsp Salt - 1... | By Food Code | Facebook
1.1M views · 12K reactions | Aceasta reteta din aluat are 100 de ani, ne-a invatat bunica! | Aceasta reteta din aluat are 100 de ani, ne-a invatat bunica! Ingrediente: ouă: 1 buc apă: 500 ml sare: 7 g făină: 720 g unt moale: 200 g pătrunjel: 10... | By Cookrate - Romania | Facebook
14M views · 73K reactions | The owner of a Chinese restaurant taught me his main dish | The owner of a Chinese restaurant taught me his main dish | By Recipe is easy | The owner of a Chinese restaurant taught me his main dish. I put two egg yolks in the rice and let's mix it up here are two cups of cooked rice. After mixing, set the rice aside. Then put some olive oil in a frying pan and add 400 grams of prawns and we'll fry them. Add three crushed garlic cloves salt to taste. Calabrian pepper to taste and mix together When the prawns are ready, we can add paprika to taste. Let it finish frying and look how it turned out. Now let's set the shrimp aside. I've put a paper towel in the pan and now I'm going to add some olive oil. And then add three egg whites and let them fry and tell me. Are you also a fan of Chinese food? You're sure to love this recipe now that the egg whites are fried. Let's add the rice we set aside. Let the rice fry together with the egg whites for four minutes and keep stirring. After frying the rice, add a can of green corn. Add a cucumber without the seeds cut up. Add a carrot cut up and precooked and also add a red onion cut up. Now let's stir very well and let it fry for 5 minutes. In the meantime, keep stirring. Now we can add the shrimp that we fried and let's stir again. Now let's finish with chopped parsley and chives. This recipe really is the biggest hit. People besides being very simple and easy to make. What a delight. There was nothing left over. This rice is perfect people. Now just serve this delight. This recipe is wonderful people. Whenever I make it here at home, everyone loves it. This recipe is very special. I hope you enjoyed it. So that's it my loves. Until the next video. Bye bye.
2.8M views · 20K reactions | Better than French fries! I wish I had learned this recipe sooner | Better than French fries! I wish I had learned this recipe sooner | By Everyday Recipes | Facebook
4M views · 51K reactions | 今天分享红薯的新吃法,吃起来奶香浓郁,低卡没负担 #減肥 #減脂餐 #美食 #美食分享 #美食教程 #推薦 #熱門 #fypシ゚ | 瑶瑶的轻食餐
昨天剛煎了芝士紫薯餅,今天又炸了個芝士紅薯球,都是香甜軟糯,爆漿拉絲,看看你更喜歡哪個呢,記得告訴我哦#空氣炸鍋美食 | 昨天剛煎了芝士紫薯餅,今天又炸了個芝士紅薯球,都是香甜軟糯,爆漿拉絲,看看你更喜歡哪個呢,記得告訴我哦#空氣炸鍋美食 | By 龍哥養花大實話 | Facebook