
63 Pins
3 exerciții simple care fac minuni pentru durerile de spate lombare și pentru hernia de disc. Kineto
This may contain: a man in scrubs standing next to a window
This may contain: the back view of a man doing an exercise with his legs spread out and muscles highlighted
4 Spine-Saving Stretches to Try Right Now!
⁉️Need some exercises to keep your spine feeling mobile? Check out these 4 exercises: Hip Internal Rotation Pullovers Hooklying Rotations Lumbar Rotation Pullovers Press Up to Child's Pose ✅ You can choose to perform all of these or, if any don't feel so good, just perform the ones that feel good/needed! (simple as that) 👍🏻 Also, you can use these to either just keep your spine feeling good OR to really push it to gain more mobility...or BOTH! CH€CK 0UT B!O L!NK 🔗 for: 📖 Full-Body Mobility Program💥
This may contain: a man standing in front of a poster with an image of the back of his torso
Vũ Ngọc Sơn
Bài tập hướng dẫn giảm đau xương cụt, thư giãn xương cụt cùng Triều Đông Y #trieudongy