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Made by Marian. Bookmark poppy embroidered on plastic canvas. A 'Royal Paris' cross stitch Bookmark kit.
craft-club.com -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspcraft club Resources and Information.
A loomed poppy bracelet by Bella Gray - inspired by Erin Simonetti's Prosperity Dragon Cuff and created following the project in Issue 36 of Bead.
New Square or Loom Stitch Bracelet Pattern. Watch this space for the link next week. Thanks
Вышивка крестом: "Маки. Обзор дизайнов и схем"
Милые сердцу штучки: Вышивка крестом: "Маки. Обзор дизайнов и схем"
маки пейзаж 22 / Фотохостинг и фотохостинг для Озон. Работает с 2009 года
маки пейзаж 22
Комплект "Пленящие маки" | biser.info - всё о бисере и бисерном творчестве
Комплект "Пленящие маки" | biser.info - всё о бисере и бисерном творчестве
New Square or Loom Stitch Bracelet Pattern. Watch this space for the link next week. Thanks
Garden Treasures Bracelet Collection Pattern. 4 beautifully-detailed bracelet patterns at a real savings!! Full-color, flat-mode Beadscape patterns for the Midnight Garden (3/4" W; 11 colors) and Peyote Crocus (.85" W; 10 colors) bracelets. Full-color, flat-mode Beadscape patterns with symbols for the Peyote Poppy (1" W; 10 colors) and In A Bee's Life (.65" W; 13 colors) bracelets. Delica # charts, realistic Beadscape thumbnails and brief instructions for completion for all 4 bracelets.
Peyote Poppy Bracelet Pattern. The detailed shading in these two beautiful blossoms makes this bracelet one you will cherish. Full-color, flat-mode Beadscape pattern, carefully-chosen Delica #s, thumbnail image and instructions for completion are included. Uses 10 colors.
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