38 Pins
Grandma's Secret Weapons
Grandma's secret weapon for composting..pvc pipes w/holes..yes speeds up decomposition! Great idea!
Portfolio Gallery
Portfolio Gallery - MetaMosaics. Wish I could do this in Kai's yard, but don't think my back and hip will hold up. But such a beautiful design.
Outdoor Spaces
Make a Giant Chess Board In the Backyard - good grass choice. Wonder what else could be used besides grass?
Building a Pebble Mosaic Stepping Stone
Excellent tutorial for pebble mosaic stepping stones, including how to build the frame, and suggestions for creating "in place" so you don't have to move heavy stones.
How to Make Hypertufa; tips & techniques for this unique garden craft
How to Make Hypertufa - it's more than just mud pies... Garden Art | Rustic Crafts
How to: Build a Tabletop Hibachi Grill from Concrete
How to: Build a Tabletop Hibachi Grill from Concrete | Man Made DIY | Crafts for Men | Keywords: diy, outdoor, how-to, concrete
Upcylce broken wine glass. – LOOK WHAT I MADE ...
A DIY concrete planter–it’s easier than it looks
IMG 2846 940x7021 A DIY concrete planter its easier than it looks
Easy Cement Side Table with Removable Legs
Recipe for Latex Paint-Tinted Cement Furniture and Decor. Also check out the DIY Furniture Studio Concrete and Cement Furniture/Decor/Garden Community Board on Pinterest.
Live Edge Concrete Bowls
<p>I'm a nut for nature and always marvel at the amazing textures that…