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How To Draw A Butterfly Tattoo | Sexy Tattoo For Girls
Butterfly is a girly girly tattoo and can be made in many shapes. Click on the image for the tutorial of Butterfly Tattoo Design.
15 Hot Cross Tattoos for Women and Girls (2)
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On my side maybe? Dont really know if this will be my second or third one. Still deciding on that!
#MyNewTattoo Unalome + Lotus flower: Unalome: this symbol means "a representation of reaching enlightenment. The path starts in the center of the spiral, and as you continue down this path you are wandering, becoming more conscious of your surroundings. When you reach the top of the symbol (the straight line), you have reached enlightenment." Lotus flower: grows from the bottom of steams and muddy ponds to rise above the water and bloom. At night, it closes and sinks below the water, just to...