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Architecture by me: Jan 22, 2011
Fayum great portrait painted by the 1st to the 3rd century by followers of the late Hellenistic tradition of the Alexandrian School
Niche embellished with glass paste mosaic recovered from Vesuvian ash Roman 1st century CE
Niche embellished with glass paste mosaic recovered from Vesuvian ash, Roman, 1st century CE
Nile Flora And Fauna, Roman Mosaic by Sheila Terry
Nile Flora And Fauna, Roman Mosaic is parked
Roman Mosaic. Boy With a Puppy. Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey.
Roman Mosaic of Duck Facing Left in Vines, Hammam-Lif Synagogue, Tunisia.
Symbols of the Muses - Ancient Greek Mosaic
This is a mosaic depicting the Nine Mousai. This was created circa 1st century.
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Preparing A Love Potion, Roman Mosaic
View of excavations. Zeugma, Turkey, was founded by the Macedonian Seleucid ruler Nicator I, this Hellenistic city grew in prosperity during Roman times since it lay on the Silkroad to China. Zeugma’s mosaics, ceramics, statues, and frescos are spectacular. The people of Zeugma enjoyed a magnificent lifestyle in their city on the Euphrates until the Sassanid invasion in 252 AD, when the city was burnt and razed. After the Turks took the region, the city became known as the Belkýs Ruins.
Arianism - Wikipedia
This mosaic in Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna has had images of the Arian king, Theoderic, and his court removed. However, on some columns their hands remain.
24" x 24" Roman Africa Fisherman and Boa | New Ravenna
Roman mosaic - African fisherman and boat