Oil Painting Tips For Beginners

Oil painting tips which are perfect for beginners.
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How to Choose the Perfect Reference Photo to Paint From
How To Choose The Perfect Reference Photo To Paint From via @drawpaintacadem
Staining the Canvas (Underpainting)
Read my detailed guide on staining the canvas (or what is more formally known as underpainting). I remember when I first started using this technique. It had a profound effect on my work and my ability to judge colors. #drawpaintacademy.com
What Is Cheating in Art?
What Is Cheating in Art? I get a number of questions from readers asking if "X" is considered cheating in art. My answer is usually the same across the board - nothing is really cheating as long as it helps you create what you want to create and that your integrity remains intact. Here are some of the questions and my brief thoughts. You may have a different opinion. Feel free to share in the comments if so.
The Ultimate Guide To Palette Knife Painting
Color Mixing With A Palette Knife
Oops I Stuffed It – What To Do When You Make A Mistake In Your Painting
What You Should Do When You Make A Mistake In Your Painting. The sad reality of painting is that you will make mistakes, especially if you are just starting out. Things rarely go as planned. In this post I want to discuss how you can deal with making a mistake in your painting. #drawpaintacademy #painting #art
Staining the Canvas (Underpainting)
Read my detailed guide on staining the canvas (or what is more formally known as underpainting). I remember when I first started using this technique. It had a profound effect on my work and my ability to judge colors. #drawpaintacademy.com
Seascape Painting Tips For Beginners
The seascape can be a challenging subject to paint. The water is unpredictable by nature and has translucent and reflective qualities which make it a challenge to render. In this post I give some seascape painting tips for beginners. These tips are suitable for oil, acrylic or watercolor painting. #drawpaintacademy
Exploring Frits Thaulow’s Water Paintings
I recently came across the below painting by Frits Thaulow titled Water Mill. Look at that water! Stunning. I subsequently went down a rabbit hole exploring his water paintings and what makes them tick. These are my findings.
Exploring Frits Thaulow’s Water Paintings
I recently came across the below painting by Frits Thaulow titled Water Mill. Look at that water! Stunning. I subsequently went down a rabbit hole exploring his water paintings and what makes them tick. These are my findings.
5 Things Every Aspiring Artist Should Know Before They Start
Learning how to draw or paint is such a rewarding and fulfilling ​journey. There is nothing like watching color fill the canvas and the ​subject start to take form. But it doesn't come without frustrations. ​Here are 5 things which I think you should know before you embark on your own art journey. #artist
What You Can Learn From The Expressionist Art Movement
What You Can Learn From Expressionism. In this article I summarize the key aspects of the movement and what you can learn from it.
Lesson From the Easel
With this painting, I started by broadly mapping out the shapes and colors. This formed the foundation of the painting, much like the scaffolding of a building. The idea was to then gradually add the smaller details over the top. But in this transition to the smaller details, I was guilty of compromising the fundamental structure of the painting (I let beauty in the subdivisions destroy the beauty of the major divisions).
7 Most Common Painting Mistakes Beginners Make (And How To Avoid Them)
7 Most Common Painting Mistakes Beginners Make. When you start painting you will make all kinds of mistakes. That is just part of the journey. In this post I will go through some of the most common mistakes made by beginners and what you can do about thos
Lesson From the Easel
With this painting, I started by broadly mapping out the shapes and colors. This formed the foundation of the painting, much like the scaffolding of a building. The idea was to then gradually add the smaller details over the top. But in this transition to the smaller details, I was guilty of compromising the fundamental structure of the painting (I let beauty in the subdivisions destroy the beauty of the major divisions).