
113 Pins
University of Stuttgart unveils woven pavilion based on beetle shells
University of Stuttgart unveils carbon-fibre pavilion based on beetle shells.
Swarovski Veil in Wattens, Austria, Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven design studio. Art » CONTEMPORIST
Articles about zaha hadids milan installation on
Zaha Hadid's Milan Installation | Dwell
WasteLandscape takes 65,000 CDs and stretches them over 1,640 square feet of artificial knolls at Le Centquatre, an art space, in Paris.
White Dots Columns [こうべアート街道 新開地~モトコー編] - ゼロバイゼロ
White Dots Columns by oxoxo [zero by zero], via Flickr
sculpture en papier journal - Aquarelles contemporaines, encre et travail sur papier par Vanessa Renoux
Statuettes de papier journal patiné façon bronze, par Vanessa Renoux, 2016
You searched for installation | Page 12 of 422 | Dezeen
WasteLandscape by Elise Morin and Clémence Eliard made of discarded cds
Tape Melbourne is a 16 meter, parasitic installation that engages visitors from both the interior and exterior of the installation through its translucent, sinewy skeleton. The installation was specially commissioned by Melbourne’s main civic centre and cultural district Federation Square as a part of their Creative Program focussing on experimental large-scale public art and its social and communal relevance. By Numen/For Use.
Gallery of Public Art Installations from Numen / For Use Design Collective - 42
Tape Melbourne / Numen/For Use